“Flixout has allowed me to focus on what I am passionate about while making money from subscribers of my content. I used to use YouTube but the income generated was horrible to what I bring in using Flixout. If you use YouTube, you need to make the switch to Flixout YESTERDAY!”
Jon Zedhe - ZED Tutorials
“As an educator during the COVID-19 outbreak, it was important for me to keep my students engaged at their own pace. Flixout allows me to educate my students, keep track of their progress, and engaged in daily activities remotely.”
Christine Wells - Los Angeles 5th Grade Teacher
“I always had a passion for teaching yoga classes but the pay was dismal and required me to work a second job to support my passion. I decided to start a subscription based yoga class network, engaged my Instagram followers and before I knew it, I had a new full time job teaching yoga classes online! I could not believe how easy the Flixout platform made it to get started with minimal effort.”
Joan Hansen - Yoga Mama
“We use Flixout to train all of our new employees. Instead of having them come to an orientation day, we provide them with an invite code to use our website hosted on Flixout at their convenience. We can track to ensure our trainees watched the videos and ensure they understand the concepts with the quiz feature. This has freed up time from doing orientations considerably.”
Carl Henry - Colorado Logistics Inc.